Online Exhibition and
Artist Statement
Ramon Puig Cuyàs
Cada joya nace en un largo proceso hecho de repeticiones, ensayos,
eliminaciones, selecciones y decisiones, y en un devenir de sensaciones, emociones, certidumbres y dudas. Un proceso que es un intento para desvelar y materializar algo indefinible, como un diseño interior, que nace desde la intuición, para convertirse en expresión de la conciencia.
Each piece of jewellery emerges after a long process wrought from repetition, rehearsal, elimination, selection and decision, as well as an evolution of feelings, emotions, certainties and doubts. A process which is an attempt to reveal, materialise something indefinable, as though an internal design, born of intuition, in order to turn it into an expression of consciousness.
Maria Deiz Serrat
Estas piezas nacen de la voluntad de comprender la plata a través de tener una experiencia procesual de acción-reacción con ella. Trabajo con una lámina de plata pura de 0,1mm y eso me permite registrar cualquier gesto que yo aplique con mis manos de una manera espontánea e inmediata. A medida que avanzo en este diálogo me intereso más por su capacidad de adquirir formas tridimensionales redondeadas, como burbujas llenas de aire.
My pieces are born from the desire of understanding silver through an evolving action-reaction experience. I work with a 0.1mm pure silver sheet that allows me to register any gesture of my hands in each piece in a spontaneous and immediate way. As I go through this dialogue between the pieces and my hands, I become more interested in its ability to acquire rounded three-dimensional shapes, like bubbles filled with air.
Eva Burton
Hay tres clases de humanos. Homo Sapiens, el humano que sabe. Homo Faber, el humano que crea. Homo Ludens, el humano que juega.Un humano juega sólo cuando es un humano en el sentido pleno de la palabra, y sólo es un humano pleno cuando está jugando.
Paul Adie
La fuerza principal de mi trabajo es mi relación personal con los tabúes y los morales, lo que incluye el sexo, la ética, y umbrales basados en la clase social y en cómo uno se ve, actúa y habla. Incorporo historias de la sociedad contemporánea e incluyo el humor para construir comunidad y burlarse subversivamente de las estructuras de poder establecidas.
The main force in my work is my personal relationship with morals, which includes sex, ethics, and thresholds based on social class and how one looks, acts and speaks. I incorporate stories from contemporary society and include humour to build community and subversively make fun of established power structures.
Kiyoaki Tashiro
Modern society is overflowing with artefacts. I wonder if anything that remains untouched by human hands will still exist in the world. However, I never mean to deny them.
What will come into the world beyond this era of mass production/consumption? I’ll be keeping an eye on it as if watching over a child’s growth.
My pieces of jewellery are certainly artefacts. Based on styrofoam and ball chains, they are coated with a mixture of acrylic pigment and natural dye. I also used dried flowers when creating my
brooches, which express a scene where the artefact melts like an aurora, goes back to nature and brings about a new life.
My style is often represented through the ball chain technique.
The collection of tiny balls represents elementary particles and atoms, which are components of the world and occasionally shine through
the layer of films. The shine increases as the coated films peel away due to degradation. Here, I do not mean degradation with time, but a return to the origin of the substance, which is the basic concept of all my work.
田代 聖晃
Yukiko Kaname
I decorate the metal surface by hands.
It is a sort of way of carving and raising metal pieces as if to grow spines one by one.
I make my pieces with imagining the feeling that thorns grew on the metal surface, the boundary line between "things"and "background" became blurred, and everything was united.
要 由記子
Ryota Watanabe
A person has a subconscious mind, which is born out of the unconscious. When something flashed, I unconsciously felt that the things that were lined up in an orderly manner were distorted.
I projected that feeling on jewelry with new possibilities and three-dimensionality created by folding metal mesh.
渡邉 良太
Natsumi Kaihara
Mi trabajo es encontrar un diálogo entre mi memoria remota y la sensación procedente del entorno personal actual. Intento acercarme a la esencia común de estos dos momentos tan distantes.
Busco formas y procesos en los que siento un vínculo con mis sentimientos.
Las piezas nacen de un viaje interior y la búsqueda profunda sobre sensaciones y emociones.
My work finds a dialog between my remote memory and the sensation created by my current personal environment. I try to get closer to the essence shared by these two vastly distant moments.
I search for shapes and processes that feel connected to my emotions.
The pieces are born from an internal voyage and the profound search for sensations and feelings.
貝原 奈積